Monday, January 23, 2012

New Years Resolutions...

Ok, so sometime in late December I decided to make some new years resolutions. Yes, resolutions, with an "s" as in plural as in more than one. Now I can't remember when I actually kept one resolution so I have no idea what made me think I could keep more than one. None the less, I made roughly six resolutions. None of which I've begun, but I will. I swear. I just have to find the time.

Resolution # 1: Quit smoking. 
Now, I don't want to quit smoking. I know I should and that's why it's been my new years resolution for a few years running now. I tried to quit last summer. I didn't smoke for 3 whole days and then decided to again and it was all down hill from there. I know there are all sorts of reasons why I should quit, it stinks, it's expensive, it's bad for your health.... blah blah I've heard it all before. However, I quite enjoy smoking. Smoking a cigarette after an 8 or 12 hour shift at work is one of the most relaxing feelings I've ever had. People say I should quit for my kids. Sorry, but do you know how much I've given up for my kids? I give my kids the world, going out for a smoke isn't the worst thing I could do. Going out for my smoke is my own little private time. I like it. I'm also gonna use the excuse that the boyfriend smokes, my mom smokes, my grandma smokes, my aunts smoke, ect. Now what would we do together if I just up and quit? Someday I'll quit smoking, but I'm betting it's not in 2012.

Resolution #2: Eat Healthier.
I've tried so many times. So many times to do this but health food is expensive and if you offer me a head of lettuce or breaded mushrooms I'm gonna go with the mushrooms thanks. Most of my favorite foods are fried... Pickles, Onions, Mushrooms. Eating them minus the breading would be healthier but they wouldn't taste nearly as good and where's the fun in that? Bacon is another one of my favorites. Mmm a bacon wrapped fried pickle, I'd be in heaven. I live with a man that could eat all the food in our house and not gain a damn pound. I hate that. He wont eat the health shit I buy and the kids think it's nasty so I tend to not buy much of it. If I bought the food they like and the health food I need I'd be one broke lady. So, in order to save money (and my sanity for not having to force the kids to eat) I'm currently not dieting....I enjoy my Mountain Dew and shitty foods!

Resolution #3: Work out.
So last April I quit drinking pop and worked out using Jillian Michaels' "30 Day shred" and lost 10 pounds in a week. And then I fell off the wagon... but not before I spent $50 ordering exercise gear and some work out DVD's. I have opened the DVD's, however I haven't used them in the 10 months I've owned them. I did get them out of the box I had them stored in yesterday and they're now on display next to the TV like I used them everyday along with my yoga mat. Now, when I did work out I'd have to stop to use my inhaler like a loser about 10 minutes into it. So, in order to work out I'd need to quit smoking and to actually lose the weight I want to I'd need to eat right. Now, I can be a pretty irritable person because of my lack of sleep from having two jobs and two kids; I can just imagine how fun I would be to be around with no smokes, no pop, sore muscles, and a piece of celery in my hand.

Resolution #4: Quit Drinking.
Ha. If I did all four of these together I'd might as well just lock myself in a room to protect the safety of others. This is much like the smoking thing. I LOVE me a glass of Miscato after a long week at work. I love going out with my friends. But I also love remembering what I did the night before and not having a hangover. With that being said this resolution has been modified to being "drink less" and believe it or not I've actually been drinking less when I go out. Not that I go out often anyways what with having two jobs and two kids and many other gross adult responsibilities. This may actually be a resolution I can keep.

Resolution #5 Help My Kid's Become More Organized and Well Behaved.
I would love to be able to have kids who will drop what their doing and do what I ask them to when I ask them to. I'd love for their rooms to be as organized as they are when I rearrange them and clean them ( I know there's a place for EVERYTHING... I buy totes in all shapes and sizes for their rooms.) I'd love to not step on legos in every room of my house. I'd love to not find my sharpies a the bottom of Lexie's toybox. I'd love to not find wet pull ups under her dresser or under my bed for that matter. I'd love to never find another Capri Sun box behind my couch. I'd love for Ashton not to cry when I ask him to pick up something or take out the trash. He wants an allowance but doesn't want to work for it. This resolution I've actually already attempted to begin. I will have organized kids who like to clean by the end of the year even if I have to throw out some or all of their toys.

Resolution #6: Save more money.
I pretty much just need to win the lottery. Saving money seems to be next to impossible. SOMETHING always comes up. ALWAYS.

Resolution #7: Do more stuff I pin on pinterest. 
If I did all the stuff I found on pinterest not only would my house be the most organized house on the block, but it would also be the most cluttered due to the fact that I have no storage space or wall space for all the cool stuff I'd make. The kids and I would also never be at a loss for something to do, no one would ever be bored. This is more of a dream than a resolution. If I spent half as much time trying to do all these resolutions as I do on pinterest or any other random site, I would be the skinniest, healthiest, cleanest mom anyone's ever seen. For now though I will  just settle for being the busy, sleepy, not perfect but trying my best mom that I am now... the kids seem to be ok with it. They still hug me and kiss me and tell me I'm the best mommy in the whole wide world and that they love me to the moon and back. I gotta be doing something right, right?

1 comment:

  1.'re kind of being a blog slacker! Lol! I've been checking for new posts lady! Get on it! ;)
